Survey Please select the concert you're providing feedback onAnjan Saha (Sitar) & Phil Scarff (Saxophone)Nirmala Rajasekar (Veena) & Sandeep Chatterjee (Santoor)Mysore Nagaraj & ManjunathHow did you hear about this concert?Email from KalakendraKalakendra WebsitePoster/Post cardStore AdvertisementWillamette WeekKalakendra's Facebook pageFriendHow would you rate the quality of this concert?Below averageAverageGoodVery GoodExcellentPlease tell us what you liked/did not like about this concert.General comments (include suggestions for artists you would like to see in Portland)Are you currently a member or Friend of Kalakendra? Yes No ContactIf you would be OK to be contacted by us for any clarification or receive our response (if applicable). Please leave these fields blank if you don't want to be contacted or want to remain anonymous.Name First Last PhoneEmail EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ